Jul 18, 2021

Etching summer vibes

 When heavy solstice warmth fades

Into the mossy coastal breeze

Grasshoppers stridulate and snap

Under cherrytree's flickering moonlight

Canvassing edgy shadows and creaking voices

Etching nightly summer vibes

in a sci fi movie with blueish tones




 I have decided to walk in your shoes
As a good actress I play the role
With my soul, heart and veins
I started to feel what you described
It doesn't scare but thrill me
I always go for the next best shot
Even when it's easier to talk to trees
Cause people lie and cheat and deceive
I surrendered to a real higher power
As I embraced love to erase fear
My 2 crows towering on the poppler
Reminded me who that was who rule
So in myself I had to confide 
As a medium for solar energy
I've felt the exact timing of winter 
I'm on a mission, I do what I'm taught
No manipulation and never what I'm told
Bulshit I call off, cause you don't matter
I am no a puppet for you to play with
I am not a lab rat you can tamper with
I own my feelings so you can piss off
My goals are paramount so never put off

Dec 3, 2017


I wear black to highlight my skin tone
I disappear in the night and thrill
I let my feet guided by northern lights
I live under moonlight like a vampire
That chimera you liked to bruise
You try to find my weak point
But I can't feel a thing nor hurt
No tears, no pain, no regrets
The more I stare into the abyss
The less I hear my heartbeats
You try and get pity for frailty
I dissolved my ego long time ago
I can't relate to your disillusions
I don't chase fame, power or money
I just like to go with the flow
She taught me into a psychopath
But all I can see is the middle path
And all I can feel is their suffering
It screams and jumps between walls
I wanna escape, run alone in the woods
I wanna stop reading your mind
I wanna stop delving in your eyes
I wanna stop worrying about you
Cause my own pain, my own worries
They're all gone with the storm and it frees


Dec 1, 2017

Sweet high

Same old shit, same pose
Heartbeats are flickering
Overall my mind is swirling
I forgot my limits, I overdose
Forget today, in highs we're lost
Wasn't it the ultimate purpose ?

Who cares about evenings
We'll keep lights on until dawn
Then exhausted by another rush
We'll fall into the days' limbo
Forget tonight, in highs we're lost
Wasn't it the ultimate purpose ?


Strength is a double edge sword
Sweet just don't take my word
I always err where I can't be heard
I felt this force under the cold sun
I looked down at you with windburn
Half frozen, disturbed, unsettled turn
They touch me wish they could be so
I'd lick that thought too, just let me go
Who do you think I am, a freak in a zoo?

You can just feel stripped from outside
There is always too many scares inside
Your eyes wide shut when will you run?
I know who I am, no matter how I hide

I can feel your raw pain without glee
You felt how anything slips over me
I control everything and you wonder
When is your turn to be flipped over
You can not get why I don't give a fuck
Simply calm cause I don't buy big buck
Dog meet wolf, and I howl the longest
Full moon casts spell to play the hardest
No win nor lose, just cruise, life is lightest

You can just feel stripped from outside
There is always too many scares inside
Your eyes wide shut when will you run?
I know why I am, no matter where I hide


White pow.d.er

Your smile is utter beauty
Destiny chose these days
In my heart, your face stays
All I know I have to give
For hope you have to live

30/11 xoxo

Nov 28, 2017

Nordic climes

As usual the air smelled like fresh snow
And there were diamonds in the sky
A bright crescent glowing on clouds
I felt that belonging to Nordic climes
I suddenly remember cute little things
And I wanna pick up your golden shines


Nov 12, 2017


I've toughen up, I've broken inside
I'm wondering where we strayed
I'm still hoping you talk back
I can't believe we stopped dreaming
I don't care, too hard, I don't dare
Asking why the silent treatment
That cold shower of hate and fate
When I'm all glee and blessed
I've learnt to let it go, not let it show

From the two suns world, I got my word
From the eldest beings, I keep the rings
Lost in the winds of change, so our minds
The prospective realities I see and place
Like a slow motion puzzle, I'm in no race
I walk that path alone whenever the flow
I obey the web line wherever the heart go
Sometimes time and space disappear, shrunk
Stars and trees align, energy floods, drunk

Nov 6, 2017


It's about time to leave everything, because poisons stain
It's about love that we keep inside and carry without pain
It's about wind we bend under, and war that falls like rain
They talk and it's loud, they guided my feet to the edge
They control my destiny and it is hard to acknowledge
They give us life and both priceless and useless knowledge
We have to let it sink in peace to understand with our soul
You will never know until you try and feel with your pulse
So breathe deep, close your eyes and let it go, so slow


Au bout de la nuit, l'inspiration se souffle et se diffuse
Une lumière aimante, mélodique et profuse
Parfois il est trop tard, loin et à court de muse
On veut juste oublier, se faire mal et on s'amuse
On peut aussi chercher trop profond et on s'abuse
Le coeur bat trop fort, on délaisse la raison et on s'use

Ado Afrique

C'est peut-être la latérite, les granits ou l'odeur du shit
Le soleil qui brûle la peau et les yeux, la chaleur indolente
Ou ta peau qui ne reflète pas la lumière, absorbante
Je l'ai compris au rythme de tes paroles lanscinantes
Les yeux dans les yeux, des mains qu'on ne veut plus lacher
Retour dans le passé, ces nuits froides et humides en cité
Tu m'a appris à endurer, là où personne n'entend crier
D'un regard ok, être toujours prêt à fuir, et plus vite à courir
A avaler les peurs, à échanger l'honneur pour le respect
A se toiser sans s'aimer, à vivre la vie sans aucun regrets
Apprécier cette puissance de l'existence dans la jouissance
Alors comme au bon vieux temps, j'ai glissé dans les basket
Enfilé une capuche, enroulé mon fute sur les hanches
Serré le ventre, et déroulé l'une devant l'autre les foulées
Accéléré le tempo, et laissé passer jusqu'à tout oublier
Dans le passé retomber, là où, quand il n'y avait rien d'autre
Que mon endurance et mon indifférence de galérienne
Juste moi et l'asphalte, adieu aux larmes et à la haine
Du 21ème siècle, j'ai effacé la mémoire émotionelle

18 oct

Sep 20, 2017


I've let my guard down
I've let old habits die off
I've forgotten bitterness and anger
Work harder, fall hard and jump back up
Pain fades away, memories last a lifetime

I've stripped my beliefs off
I've embraced fortune, in tune
I'm wrapped in air against danger
Work harder, fall hard and jump back up
Pain fades away, memories last a lifetime

Sep 15, 2017

Pandora box

Under trouble I put a lid on my clear sight,
You opened a Pandora box, and I'm still exploring.

I used to envy that friend who recalled developing several level of thinking at once, and wished I was smarter. I was hoping it would bring me some higher power or let me know some mysteries that would lead me to better life and happiness.
However now that I'm there contemplating various level of consciousness at the same time, it spoils some moments because I catch my mind guessing what's next before it happens, my mind rushes into the future before my heart can handle the feelings and all I can do is sit and watch internally all my thoughts, the thoughts about my thoughts and feelings about primary and secondary thoughts unfold.
I read people's mind within 10 seconds of catching their sight, I guess their words before they open their mouths, even online I guess peoples mood and see into their issues before they open up about it, I have already thought the solution before I get the question, it's all going too fast, too soon.
It's like I'm high, and so I align with artists who have smoked weed just by listening to their music, and slow the flow of my mind narrative to get opportunity to catch my thoughts before they vanish under a pile of newer thoughts, and I write, to remember, recombine and relieve.

And I dance, I sing and I run to ground myself in the orgasms I get from my muscles, and the weird pain which I enjoy in these tiny fractures when I push myself to get stronger and more flexible, ever again.
As well as my mind rushes fast forward, so are my legs and fingers faster, and my senses sharper, sweets get too sweet, foul smells stink harder, everyday beauties shine brighter. And my love grows stronger.

Sep 11, 2017

The swamp

I can't see the end of my running path
Lost in the trees
I can't hear the trouble from the city
Lost in the wind
I cant feel the pain of aches
Lost in perseverance
I wanna hear your whispers
I wanna see your prayers
I feel like a doll in your arms
My sweet darlings, green smartest aliens
You are using us, ever done, ever will
And when we're over the burning task
You'll grow your roots over us and feed
I can wait your answer over a lifetime
I can't see the end of my running path
Lost in the swamp

Sep 8, 2017

Crystal cries

What's in your crystal eyes?
Are these my future cries?
You look like a former demon
Replaying my nightmares in 3D
He faked your style and no smile
I can't hold on to your poker face
I'm hooked on your blue neck veins
I know the meaning and I'm staying
Just one last time, I promise I won't dine
I'm placing the puzzle and you squared
I see those possibles and I'm scared

What's in your crystal eyes?
Are these my future cries?
You walk like a fragile alien
Remastering my old dreams in colors
He played your talent and easy charms
I can not want you near you are too dear
I'm hooked on your blue arm veins
I know the feeling and I'm longing
Just one more time, you say you won't shine
I'm facing the hurdle and you removed
I see the time forecast and I'm moved

Sep 5, 2017


Sea was ink black, warmer than the air
Warping my thoughts in cosiness
Just as hundred clouds painting
Fifty shades of gray in the sky
Both mirrors and touches, a pair
Fused body and soul in stillness
Sensual dance towards you aiming

Aug 30, 2017


And roll the sea, melons and all feelings
They're vanishing with shoring waves
Immaterial flow of hopes and distrust
Only in the darkest nights can we see stars
Only in the sadest times can we feel paths

And stroll the forest, pines and all dreamings
They're cascading with various heights
Illusory copies of greatness and pride
Only in the clearest sky can we guess milky way
Only in the slowest pace can we find ourselves


Aug 29, 2017


I'm magnetized by your stare
Neither younger nor richer me could snare
Yet your neck hypnotizes my eyes
I'm liquefied by your smiles

What makes me stronger is my dope
Your blunt and hurt I know I can cope
I seek the higher, hardest goal
I feel you can throw me to that bowl

Infinitely dark eyes like open sea
Sweetly haunting my sleepless nights
The flower tint of your cheeks
Flawlessly echoing the blush from your sights



Tout ce que je ressens 
Vers le haut me descend
J'ignore ce que je pressens
La vérité éclate douce amère
Comme les tomates de mer
qu'on déguste en fiers
La douceur de moi m'éloigne
Alors que la dureté me soigne
Ni la boue ni les ronces n'empoignent
On vogue vers l'inconnue connexion
Surpuissance et prémonition des émotions
Débranche la matrice, déconexion
Faire comme les autres ou attendre
Continuer le strip tease et apprendre
Danser vers l'équilibre et suprendre


Aug 17, 2017


If my dream is your eyes
My nightmare is your silence
Your words released an emotional tsunami
I shivered and all fluids left me emptied
Ready for a mind shift and blown away heart
Learning from the mirror you hold to my face
You walk the right path so I try and run behind
Sometimes I stumble and lose sight
It leaves a sidereal void between my life sparks
yet I keep fighting to better myself
I love you so deeply but joyfully
Your face is an open book, a shy smile
I just look up at the stars and you stand still